
PBX’s full form is Private Branch Exchange. We provide it in the form of a private telephone network that companies or organizations use internally. Users connected to the PBX phone system can carry out communications internally and externally with the aid of different communication channels like Voice over IP, analog, or ISDN. A PBX also allows you to have a greater number of operational phones than standard physical phone lines (PTSN) and allows nonchargeable calls between users. Additionally, it gives access to features such as transfer calls, call recording, voicemail, call queues, and interactive voice menus (IVRs).

Traditional PBXs should have their own custom-made proprietary phones, such that there would be a method to re-use these phones when the business or organization changed systems. Therefore the users have to become bound by either system-lock-in or vendor-lock-in. They are bound to the same system because changing systems entails changing phones too, which makes it prohibitively expensive to opt out of the current system. We might be bound to the same vendor because the phones are only functional with systems provided by the same vendor, sometimes only within a specific spectrum of systems.

Advancement in technology over time has transformed the consumer telephony landscape, with the vanguard being the Open-Standards-based IP PBX. The purpose behind “IP” in this new era is that the phone calls are conducted with the use of the Internet Protocol as the underlying transmission technology. Chrysoprases Solutions makes the PBX phone systems available in the form of hosted or virtual solutions and as on-premise solutions to be operated on the client’s own hardware. With a traditional PBX, you are usually bound by a particular maximum number of telephone lines on the outside (trunks) and to a particular maximum number of internal telephone machines (extensions). PBX phone system users use the same outside lines for making external phone calls.

Characteristics of Chrysoprases Solutions’s PBX services –

  • Internal communications – Even if you call a number in your own office, the call is actually routed through the exchange of a local phone company. So if you want to call your manager, the call will be routed through the local phone company’s exchange and then return back to your local phone company’s exchange. This will incur many charges. But with Chrysoprases Solutions’s PBX system the call will never be sent outside the building and will be routed internally, thus saving on costs. Our PBX can help avoid all of that.
  • Centralized control – Chrysoprases Solutions’s PBX phone systems also contain a receptionist feature that allows all the calls incoming into your company’s many phones to be answered with only one number. This makes it possible to list only one number in directories or advertisements instead of a long list of individual phone numbers. Also, you will not be restricted to only one person on a call at a time. With our PBX phone system, other calls are not blocked by incoming calls. Your staff can make calls and dial out on current calls to which other callers are connected.
  • Automation – Our PBX systems have the advantage that you don’t have to have a dedicated receptionist to pick up calls. There are ‘auto-attendants’ available to provide instructions directing callers to input a specific number for a specific service. Although these menus can lead to frustration for the callers if they become too long, our especially programmed PBX auto-attendants allow callers to input a special extension number that enables them to skip what may be considered to be a time-consuming process of caller menus.
  • Flexible call routing – Our PBX phone systems provide a lot of features that you won’t find on a standard phone. For example, if you are waiting for an important call but are suddenly invited to an urgent meeting in another office in the building. Our PBX phone system allows you to program your phone so that if you don’t answer it within a given number of rings the PBX system will forward your calls to another phone. This feature can also be extended to forward your calls to different phones or voicemail. This ability to forward calls indicates that you can initiate a full series of routing backups for the eventuality that an important person in the chain, such as a sales manager, becomes absent from his desk. Our system will automatically forward that call to a different member of the sales team. You can also choose to autoplay particular messages while callers stand by waiting for their calls to be answered.
  • Variable access – Chrysoprases Solutions’s PBX systems are delivered with installed software that enables you to set up each line in your business or organization. The PBX control panels enable you to initialize different levels of access to various extensions; you can place limits on some phones so that they are only able to call other internally installed extensions. Others can be programmed to call out of the building but not include long distance calling. And you can also make access to international calling restricted on specific extension numbers.
  • Cost monitoring – Chrysoprases Solutions’s PBX phone systems record logs of all incoming and outgoing calls. Conventional phones do not possess the feature which lets the users see how many incoming calls were received by the business before the phone bill is prepared. This reporting function enables you to view the particular departments which are receiving more calls and which extensions are handling the most work through the telephones. We can help you discover if some extensions are constantly busy and hold queues of calls and if some extensions almost never receive calls. Such usage reports will help you plan the telephone allocation to ensure the maximum return for your investment in telephones.
  • Internet integration – Chrysoprases Solutions’s PBX phone systems also feature the ability to form connections with the internet. The clients can channel their calls over VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems. You calls will arrive to the telephone handsets in your offices, but won’t really arrive or be routed out through telephone networks. You will not be required to pay any phone charges because technically your calls over VoIP will not be counted as phone calls. Your internet router will send calls to each VoIP phone in your office complex similar to how it can manage many different kinds of internet connections from your company’s computers.
  • Hosted PBX features – Chrysoprases Solutions’s hosted PBX systems can route incoming calls at the company phones to mobile phones and so the employees can provide the company phone number to clients and customers. The PBX system can then map and connect that number to the employee’s phones. This results in calls being received on the employee’s own phone without having to reveal a private phone number to the clients and customers. The capability of carrying out this mapping help make employees more willing and ready to use their own phones for work. That gets rid of the cost of having to provide employees with additional phones for business use.